

The classics major consists of nine courses with concentrations in three possible areas: classical studies, 古地中海考古学, 以及古典语言和文学. 课程 taught by faculty in the 经典 Department are designated by four different rubrics: ARCH, 一堂课, GRK, 和LATN. 由这些规则指定的任何课程, 包括第一年写作研讨会, counts as what is termed a “departmental course” in the following major requirements.


选择至少一门1000级的院系课程 1
选择至少三门2000级的院系课程 3
至少选择两门系里3000分水平的课程 2
在任何级别至少选择三门课程 a3


Select at least two 考古 (ARCH) courses at the 1000 level 2
Select at least three 考古 (ARCH) courses at the 2000 level3
选择至少三门任何级别的院系课程 b3


Select at least five 希腊 (GRK) and/or 拉丁 (LATN) courses at any level5
Select at least one 希腊 (GRK) and/or 拉丁 (LATN) course at the 3000 level1
选择至少三门任何级别的院系课程 c3


古典文学辅修包括五门课程, 集中在五个可能的领域:希腊语, 拉丁, 古典语言文学, 古地中海考古学, 古典研究. 课程 taught by faculty in the 经典 Department are designated by four different rubrics: ARCH, 一堂课, GRK, 和LATN. 由这些规则指定的任何课程, 包括第一年写作研讨会, counts as what is termed a “departmental course” in the following minor requirements.


选择至少一门任何级别的院系课程 d1


选择至少一门任何级别的院系课程 d1


Select at least four 希腊 (GRK) and/or 拉丁 (LATN) courses at any level 4
Select at least one 希腊 (GRK) and/or 拉丁 (LATN) course at the 3000 level or above1


选择至少两门任何级别的院系课程 d2


选择至少两门任何级别的院系课程 d2

The department participates in an interdisciplinary program in 考古 and 艺术历史. 看到 跨学科的专业.


  • 课程 that count toward the programs offered by the department must be taken for regular letter grades (not Credit/D/Fail), 学生必须在这些课程中获得C或更高的成绩.
  • One first-year writing seminar may count toward the major and minor.
  • 正常情况下, independent studies and honors projects only count toward the major or minor with prior approval of the department.
  • Majors and minors  may double-count one course with another department or program. 


Archaeology classes regularly use the outstanding collection of ancient art in the 买球平台艺术博物馆. Of special note are the exceptionally fine holdings in 希腊 painted pottery and the very full and continuous survey of 希腊 and Roman coins. In addition, there are numerous opportunities for study or work abroad.

Bowdoin is a participating member of the Intercollegiate Center for 古典研究 in Rome, where students majoring in classics can study in the junior year. It is also possible to receive course credit for field experience on excavations. Interested students should consult members of the department for further information. Students can count up to four courses taken abroad toward the major; up to three in one semester, 或者在国外待一整年. Students can count up to two courses taken abroad toward the minor; one per semester spent abroad. Students must consult with departmental faculty prior in order to determine course eligibility.

Students contemplating graduate study in classics or classical 考古 are advised to begin the study of at least one modern language in college, as most graduate programs require competence in French and German as well as in 拉丁 and 希腊.


Students who received a minimum score of four on the 拉丁 AP exam are eligible to receive a general credit toward the degree if they take a 拉丁 course at the 3000 level and earn a minimum grade of B-. Regardless of AP scores, students should complete the placement questionnaire. 不给予主要或次要学分. 为了获得大学先修课程的学分, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year at Bowdoin. Students who took the 拉丁 IB exam should consult the department for credit.


经典 is the study of the ancient 希腊 and Roman worlds within the broader context of the ancient Mediterranean and the ancient Near East. 我们的学科结合了艺术史的研究, 考古, 历史, 文学, 哲学, 以及希腊语和拉丁语. Our students use these multiple perspectives in order to better understand and better imagine the diversity of peoples who lived thousands of years before us, 去反思这段过去对后世意味着什么, to learn more about how it continues to shape our own ideas in the present day.

Please note that the department offers many other classes under the 考古 and classics rubrics that are designed for first-year student enrollment, 并为一年级学生专门留出空间. 这些课程不需要任何拉丁语或希腊语知识, 也不需要事先学习古典世界. 2024年秋季,包括第一年的写作研讨会, 一堂课1017 英雄时代:古代超人和神奇女侠, 拱1103 埃及考古, 一堂课2103 过去与现在:原住民声音的消失, 一堂课2736 古希腊医学, 一堂课2787 修昔底德和政治理论的发明, 一堂课3310 想象罗马.

对拉丁文入门感兴趣的学生应该报名参加 LATN 1101 初级拉丁语I 哪一种是秋季的. 对希腊文入门感兴趣的学生应该报名参加 GRK 1101 初级希腊语I这门课在春季开课. Because of the sequential nature of language study and the pattern of offerings in the department, students should plan on taking both semesters of 拉丁 over one academic year; students interested in the elementary 希腊 sequence should plan to take GRK 1101 初级希腊语I 在春天和 GRK 1102 初级希腊语II 第二年秋天.

在高中学习过拉丁语或希腊语的学生, as well as students interested in beginning 拉丁 or 希腊 here at Bowdoin, should complete the 拉丁 or 希腊 placement questionnaire in Blackboard in the summer prior to matriculation. In order to make placement recommendations we take into consideration past study, AP和SAT II成绩, 和学生就他们的兴趣进行简短的交谈. Most first-year students who are continuing 拉丁 enroll in either LATN 2203 中级阅读拉丁语 or LATN 2206 罗马小说. Students with exceptionally strong backgrounds, however, may enroll in LATN 3306 罗马小说. 大多数继续学习希腊语的一年级学生都报名参加 GRK 1102 初级希腊语II.

Members of the 经典 Department faculty are always happy to talk with students individually in order to discuss placement and sequencing of courses.

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook. 查看目录
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